Sounds of English
by Sharon Widmayer and Holly Gray
Gray, H. and Guekguezian, M. (2017). Pop-up Pronunciation: Integrating Pronunciation Mini-lessons into All Skills. Presentation given at TESOL 2017, Seattle, WA.
Gray, H. and Guekguezian, M. (2017). Integrating Reading into the Pronunciation Classroom. Presentation given at TESOL 2017, Seattle, WA.
Widmayer, S. (2009). Expanding Innovation: Using Digital Photography to Enhance the Writing Process in Beginning-Level ESOL Classrooms. Poster Session Given at 17th Annual FCPS Teacher Researcher Conference. Fairfax, VA.
Campiglia, M. and Widmayer, S. (2009). Snapshots from Life: Enhancing Literacy, Students' Writing, and Reading through Digital Photography. Presentation given at TESOL 2009. Denver, CO.
Campiglia, M. and Widmayer, S. (2009). Building Students' Literacy and Academic Knowledge through Multiple Media. Presentation given at TESOL 2009. Denver, CO.
Campiglia, M. and Widmayer, S. (2008). Snapshots from Life: Using Photo Essays to Enhance the Writing Process in ESOL Literacy Classrooms. Round table given at the 17th Annual FCPS Teacher Researcher Conference. Fairfax, VA.
De Visser, C., and Widmayer., S (2008).Early Literacy Techniques Adapted for Older Learners. Poster Session presented at TESOL 2008. New York, NY.
Campiglia, M., Hansard-Stuebner, M., and Widmayer, S. (2008) Building Literacy Through Student-Authored Books. TESOL 2008. New York, NY.
Campiglia, M., Hansard-Stuebner, M., and Widmayer, S. (2008) Using Read Alouds to Promote Literacy. Presentation given at TESOL 2008. New York, NY.
Widmayer, S. (2008) WebQuests. Workshop given at January 2008 Fairfax County Public Schools Secondary ESOL In-service.
Campiglia, M., Hansard-Stuebner, M., and Widmayer, S. (2007) Using Read Alouds to Promote Literacy. Presentation given at WATESOL 2007. Arlington, VA.
Widmayer, S. (2007) Three Fun Read Alouds. Presentation given to Fairfax County Public Schools new secondary ESOL teachers. Fall 2007.
Campiglia, M., Hansard-Stuebner, M., and Widmayer, S. (2007) Using Read Alouds to Promote Literacy. Presentation given at Fairfax County Public Schools Fall 2007 Inservice.
Widmayer, S. (2007) The Open Classroom What is it? How is it working? What’s up for Year #2?. Round table given at the 16th Annual FCPS Teacher Researcher Conference. Fairfax, VA.
Gray, H and Taylor, K (2007). Start Spinning Webs for Pronunciation and Listening (PCI #24, 3/20/07). TESOL 2007, Seattle, Washington.
Gray, H and Taylor, K (2007). Finding the Right Recipe for Pronunciation Courses (PCI #22, 3/20/07). TESOL 2007, Seattle, Washington.
Gray, H and Taylor, K (2007). Pronunciation the “Right” Way, Right Away. TESOL 2007, Seattle, Washington.
Widmayer, S. & Gray, H. (2007). Getting ESL online with course management systems. Presentation given at TESOL 2007, Seattle, WA.
Campiglia, M., and Widmayer, S. (2007). Selecting and Utilizing Books to Create Interactive Literacy Classrooms. Presentation given at TESOL 2007.
Campiglia, M., Kapeluck, K., and Widmayer, S. (2007). Selecting and Utilizing Books to Create Interactive Literacy Classrooms. Presentation given at VESA 2007.
Widmayer, S. (2006). Integrating Technology into ESOL literacy classes. Presentation given at TESOL 2006, Tampa, Fl.
Ahmad, M., BauerGaina, S., Campiglia, M., & Widmayer, S. (2006). Teaching Academic Content to Low Literacy Students. Presentation given at TESOL 2006, Tampa, Fl.
Kapeluck, K., Gilmore, J., Widmayer, S. (2006). Incorporating Reading Strategies into Content at the Lowest Levels. Presentation given at VESA 2006, Richmond, VA.
Ahmad, M., Gilmore, J., and Widmayer, S. (2006). Teaching Content-Based ESOL Using Authentic Materials. Presentation given at VESA 2006, Richmond, VA.
Ahmad, M., Campiglia, M. (with Widmayer, S.) (2005).A Literacy Curriculum for Secondary ESOL Students. TESOL 2005, Tx.
Widmayer, S., Collins, E., Gray, H., Miller, L., & Rossen, G. (2004) Technology that Reaches and Teaches Every Student. (PCI) TESOL 2004. Long Beach, CA.
Gray, H. and Widmayer, S. (2003). Using the internet to enliven pronunciation. Discussion session. TESOL 2003, Baltimore, MD.
Widmayer, S. and Gray, H. (2003). Course Management Systems and Pronunciation Teaching. Presentation given at TESOL 2003, Baltimore, MD.
Gray, H. with Widmayer, S. (2002). Using technology to teach pronunciation. Invited Intersection session. TESOL 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gray, H., Taylor, K., and Thompson, S. (2001). Multiple Intelligences with an Eye on Pronunciation. Presentation given at WATESOL Convention, Annandale, VA.
Gray, H. & Widmayer, S. (2001). Designing and Implementing WebQuests. Workshop given at Howard County Community College, Columbia, MD.
Gray, H. & Widmayer, S. (2001). Designing and Implementing WebQuests. Presentation given at COADEC ~ MDLA, Ellicot City, MD.
Widmayer, S. & Gray, H. (2001). Designing and developing on-line Resources for ESL. Preconvention Institute given at TESOL 2001, St. Louis, MI.
Gray, H. & Widmayer, S. (2000). Internet Activities for Listening and Speaking. Demonstration presented at Maryland TESOL, Arnold, MD.
Gray, H. & Widmayer, S. (2000). Internet Resources for the Pronunciation Teacher. TESOL 2000.
Widmayer, S. & Gray, H. (2000). On-line Course Management Systems and language teachers. Presentation presented at CALL for the Twenty-First Century, Barcelona, Spain.
Gray, H & Widmayer, S. (2000). Teaching Pronunciation Using the Internet. Demonstration presented at TESOL 2000, Vancouver, Canada.
Gray, H., Kilday, K., & Widmayer, S. (1999). Surfing the Web with your ear. Demonstration presented at TESOL Conference, New York.
Widmayer, S. & Gray, H.(1998). Using Technology to Enliven Pronunciation. Demonstration presented at WATESOL Conference, Bethesda, MD.